Network Notepad Freeware Edition Help 


Linking Objects

To link two objects, firstly use the Link Selection Box to choose the desired type of Link.
Left Click the link button , the mouse pointer will indicate you are in Link Mode. Left Click on pairs of objects to join them.
You may also Right Click an object and choose "Link" to enter link mode.
To finish linking objects, click the link button  again.

Clicking the background whilst in link mode enables you to form elbows and bends in links.

Tip: Double right click the background to toggle the last used mode (Paste, Text, or Link) off and on.  


Linking To Part of An Object

By default, links point to the centre of an object. You may link to any part of an object using the Connection Points Option from the Format menu or clicking the Connection Points Button Connection Points.
Select Connection Points - Unlimited to link to any part of an object or Connection Points - 1 to return to the default setting.


Linking To Part Of A Background Object

By setting an object to a backgound layer and setting Connection Points to unlimited you may link to parts of the object, with links shown on top of the object.
See Object Properties on how to set an object to a background layer.

See also: Customizing Link Styles

Unlinking Objects

To remove links between objects, select the objects which are linked and then click the Unlink Button Unlink.

Linking An Object To A Backbone

To link an object to a backbone, click on the link mode button  and then join the backbone to the object. It does not matter what Link Type has been selected when doing this.


Customizing Link Styles

To Customize the link styles select Format from the ring menu and then Link Styles.

Select a Link Type to customize from the Link Type drop down box or select New Link Type to define a new link style.


  Link Styles 
Format: Choose between Line, Lightning, Lightning2, Arrow and Curve Styles. For the Lightning style to be effective set the width to 14 or more.
Colour: Select Colour of Link
Style: Select from Opaque and various dashed line styles.
Width: Width of Link.
Angle: Selects the angle for arrow heads.
Length: Selects the size of arrow heads.
Option: 1 for Solid arrow heads. 0 for Open arrowheads.
Endcap: Selects the endcap style for lines.
Join: Selects the join style for lines.

The Save, Load and Load Default options may be used to load and save a selection of link styles. Link styles are also saved with diagrams.

Link Style Preview: Pro, Enterprise and Client Editions only.
Dash Cap:
Set caps for dash link segments (Pro, Enterprise and Client Editions only).
Join Radius:
Draw a curve of the specified radius between link segments. (Pro, Enterprise and Client Editions only).
Custom Caps:
 Fully customizable end caps for links (Pro, Enterprise and Client Editions only).


Curve link styles

Curved link styles use one or two link nodes to act as control points for the curve. From the ring menu select "Options" and "Show Link nodes" to display link nodes while you are drawing curves.
Click the first object, click the background to place the first control point, click the background again to create a second control point and then click the second object to complete the link.



The Links Table

The links table shows a table of all the connections to an object.
Clicking any column heading sorts the table by that particular column.
An IP Address, Hostname and Comment may be entered for each end of each link.
The  columns are drop-down boxes from which you choose the display position relative the object for the IP Address or Hostname.
The "Add to table"/ "Remove from table" buttons are used to transfer or remove the object's principal IP address and Hostname to/from the table. To enable this button, you must highlight one of the rows by clicking column 0.

Changing Link Types

To change a link type for any of the connections, click a box in the Link Type column and choose the new link style from the drop down list.


  < Contents

Object Properties >