Network Notepad Freeware Edition Help 


  Setup Form  

General Settings:

Language: Select the Language used for Network Notepad.
The only items on the Setup Form which have not already been mentioned are as follows:
Grid Line Spacing: Sets the spacing for grid lines when grid lines option is switched on ("Options","Grid Lines").
Default IP Address:
A partial or complete IP Address which will be applied to all new objects added to the diagram.
Default Diagram: Sets the diagram loaded by default at start up. Use the ellipses button browse for a file or the "Use Current" make the currently open diagram the default diagram. The "None" button specifies no default diagram.


Configuring User-Defined Apps

Select the User-Defined Apps tab in the Setup form.

Command Line: This is the command which is executed when the app is selected.
Display Title: This is the text displayed in the menu. If left blank the Command Line is displayed instead.
Hide: If set to true will minimise the Network Notepad window when the app is run.

The following Network Notepad variables may be included in the Command Line and Display Title definitions:
$IPADDRESS - is substituted for the most recently clicked object's IP address. $IPADDRESS is truncated at a "/" character.
$ADDRESS - is substituted for the most recently clicked object's IP address (and is not truncated like $IPADDRESS is).
$HOSTNAME - is substituted with the most recently clicked object's hostname.
$BROWSE - invokes the default browser/application.
E.g.1. $browse http://$ipaddress..... will open the object's ip address in a web browser window.
E.g.2. $browse c:\docs\$hostname.doc..... will try and open for example "router1.doc" in whatever application is configured to handle .doc files.
$EXPLORE - invokes an instance of Internet Explorer.
E.g. $explore $ipaddress...... to browse the object by ipaddress.
- Copies the resolved definition to the windows clipboard.
$FILENAME - is substituted for the current diagram's filename (.ndg).


A Traceroute Function Window That Doesn't Close Automatically.
Create a traceroute.bat file in the Network Notepad folder which contains:

@echo off
tracert -d %1

Define the function button as:
traceroute.bat $ipaddress



  • Use SSH to connect to a device using Putty:

    "C:\Program Files\putty\putty.exe" -ssh $IPADDRESS
  • Use Putty in telnet mode to connect to a device:

    "C:\Program Files\putty\putty.exe" -telnet $IPADDRESS
  • Open a web browser session to a device's IP address:


  • Remote control a device using VNC:

    "C:\Program Files\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe" $IPADDRESS
  • Remote Desktop:

    C:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe /v:$IPADDRESS
  • Open a spreadsheet to access for example asset information for each device in your diagram:

    $BROWSE "F:\Asset Files\$hostname.xlsx"

Updates Tab

Enable Automatic Updates: Tick to enable automatic updates (default).
Update Type:
Select from Automatic, Check and Download, and Check only.
Manual Proxy Settings:
Tick to enable automatic updates with manual proxy server settings.


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