The User Defined Apps are configured in the Setup
form. The following Network Notepad keywords may be
included in the definitions:
$IPADDRESS - is substituted for the most
recently clicked object's principal IP address.
$HOSTNAME - is substituted with the most
recently clicked object's hostname.
$EXPLORE - invokes an instance of internet
eg. $explore $ipaddress......
to browse the object by ipaddress.
invokes the default browser/application.
eg. $browse
$hostname.doc.....will try and open for example
"router1.doc" in whatever
application is configured to
handle .doc files.
Copy2Clipboard - Copies the resolved definition to
the windows clipboard.
$FILENAME - is substituted for the current
diagram's filename (.ndg).
Other Examples:
Use SSH to connect to a device using Putty.
"C:\Program Files\putty\putty.exe -ssh $IPADDRESS"
Remote control a device using VNC.
"C:\Program Files\ORL\vnc\vncviewer $IPADDRESS"
Remote Desktop.
"C:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe /v:$IPADDRESS"