Network Notepad Professional Edition Help               



The Toolbar
Adding Objects To A Diagram
Deleting Objects
Selecting/ Deselecting Objects
Aligning Objects
Resizing Objects
Linking Objects
Unlinking Objects
Using the Link Break Feature
Moving and Copying Objects
Nudging Objects
Changing The Name/ IP Address Of An Object
Changing An Objects Properties
Adding Text To A Diagram
Editing Text
Formatting Text
Moving Text
Adding Horizontal And Vertical Backbones
Resizing And Moving Backbones

Linking An Object To A Backbone
Grouping and Locking
Anchoring and Locking
Rotating Objects and Text

Hiding IP Addresses
User-Defined Apps
Configuring User-Defined Apps
Page Setup
Print Preview
Searching Diagrams
Customizing Link Styles
Object Properties
Object Properties Toolbar
Linking Diagrams
Links Table
Changing Link Types
Adding Objects To An Object Library
Deleting Objects From An Object Library

Auto Hiding The Object Library Form
Creating New Object Libraries
Sharing Object Library Files
Format Shape
Script Syntax
Format Script Object
The Setup Form
The Diagram Properties Form
Creating Templates
Adding A Backdrop Image
Export to .BMP File
Setting A Default Diagram
Working With CSV Files

The Toolbar


      Back and Forward buttons move back and forth through previously diagrams.       Align Horizontal and Align Vertical Buttons are used to align objects, text and link termination points. 
  Home    Home button loads the default diagram.       Auto Align Button when selected pasted items are automatically aligned horizontally or vertically with the previously pasted object.
  Open    Open a network diagram file.       Send to Back, Bring to Front Buttons change  the order that items are drawn.
      Save the current document.       Connection Points Button selects between linking to the centre of an object or linking to any part of an object. 
       Print the current document.       Link Button toggles link mode on and off.
      Object Libraries Button opens the current Object Library and displays available objects to use in the diagram.       Link Style Drop Down List.
  Online Library    Online Library button opens a web browser window and navigates to the Online Library.       Unlink Button removes links between selected objects.
      Cut button removes selected items and places them on the clipboard.       Zoom in/out.
      Copy Button copies selected items to the clipboard.       Display IP Addresses Button.
      Paste Button switches to paste mode for a single paste operation.       Programmable function buttons.
      Paste Multiple Button switches to paste mode and remains in paste mode for multiple paste operations.       Exit Button.
      Delete Button deletes selected items.   Reload doc    Reload document button (optional button see Setup) reloads the current document. It is useful when editing .ndg files outside of Network Notepad.
      Text Mode Button toggles text mode on and off.   Close document    Close current document.


To pan around either use the scrollbar or position the mouse pointer over the background of the diagram, hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse.
To follow a link to another diagram - Right click the object and select "Goto next diagram". Objects which link to another diagram have a blue caption by default.
The toolbar back and forward buttons may also be used to jump to the previous or next diagram.
The Home button loads the default diagram if one has been specified in the Setup form.
Network Notepad Professional Edition supports multi-page diagrams. The Tab bar along the bottom of the window shows a tab for each page in the diagram.

Using The Zoom Buttons

-+ Zoom buttons and Zoom Dropdown list lets you quickly zoom in and out the view of the current page. CTRL+Mousewheel also operates the Zoom. You can work on diagrams at any zoom level as normal, though it usually helps when rotating objects and text to return the view to the default 100% scale.

Tip: Right click the Zoom dropdown list to quickly default the view back to 100%.

Adding Objects To A Diagram

Click the Object Libraries Button  to display the current Object Library.
Drag and drop Objects from the Library to the diagram.
You may also paste Library objects by selecting the object from the library and then closing or minimising it.
Point the cross hair where you want to place the objects.
To automatically hide the Object Library whenever you select a new object, enable "Auto Hide" in the setup dialogue or from the Object Library ring menu.
The Paste button performs a single paste operation and exits paste mode. The Paste Multiple button performs multiple paste operations without exiting paste mode.

The Online Libraries Button Online Libraries opens a list of objects available online.

Tip: Double right click the background to toggle the last used mode (Paste, Text, or Link) off and on.

Cutting And Deleting Objects From A Diagram

Highlight the objects you wish to cut or delete by left clicking them and then hit the Cut Button  to place them on the clipboard. Click the Delete Button  on the toolbar to remove selected items.

Selecting/ Deselecting Single/ Multiple objects

Objects need to be selected (Red highlight) and deselected  for cutting and pasting. To select an object, left click it.
To select multiple objects at once, drag a "rubber band" around them with the left mouse button.
You must start selection with the mouse pointer positioned over a blank piece of background.
To select or unselect additional objects, hold the CTRL key down while selecting.
To select no objects, left click the background or choose Edit and then Select None from the ring menu.  CTRL-A also toggles between selecting all and selecting none.

Tip: CTRL-A toggles between selecting all and selecting none.

Aligning Objects

To align objects, first select the item to align to and then select items to be aligned with the first item. Choose Format and Align Horizontal or Align Vertical from the Ring Menu or click the horizontal and vertical align buttons , and then select whether to align centres or edges of the objects from the sub menu.
When pasting objects and drawing links, objects and lines are automatically aligned if the Auto Align button is selected.

Resizing Objects

Use Shift + and Shift - to adjust the size of the current object retaining it's current proportions.
You can also resize an object by dragging the edge or corners.
Objects can also be resized by changing the x and y scale in the Object Properties form.


Linking Objects

To link two objects, firstly use the Link Style Dropdown Box to choose the desired type of Link.
Click the link button , the mouse pointer will indicate you are in Link Mode. Click on pairs of objects to join them.
You may also right-click an object and choose "Link" to enter link mode.
To finish linking objects, click the link button  again or hit the escape key.
Clicking the background whilst in link mode enables you to form joins (elbows) in links.
Clicking an existing link automatically sets the Link Style Dropdown Box to the matching link style.

Tip: Double right click the background to toggle the last used mode (Paste, Text, or Link) off and on. 


Linking To Part of An Object

The Connection Points button selects whether links are automatically centred when a connection is made or whether the link connects to the point on the object which was clicked.
The option can also be set using the Format Connection Points option on the main ring menu.
Connection points can be centred by right clicking a link and selecting "Centre Connection Point".
Connection points can also be positioned using drag-and-drop, nudge and align.


Layers (Drawing Order)

You can control the drawing order for objects, text and links by setting the layer. Layer 5 is drawn first through to layer 0 which is topmost. Set the layer using one of these methods:

  • Right-click and choose the layer (Objects, Text and Links).
  • Set the layer in the properties form (Objects only).
  • Use the Bring-to-Front or Send-to-Back buttons on the toolbar  (Objects, Text and Links).



Background Objects

Setting an object to be a background object in the Object Properties form enables you to draw multi-segment links over the top of an object without connecting to it.

Unlinking Objects

To remove links between objects, right-click the link and choose delete or select the objects which are linked and then click the Unlink Button .

Using the Link Break Feature

The Link Break Feature enables you to break a link and create a join anywhere on an existing link. When you right-click the link  and select Break a new "link-node" is highlighted which you can then drag and drop or nudge to the desired position.
To remove a join select the link-node which forms the join and delete it.

 Moving and Copying Objects

To move selected objects, hold down the Shift Key and drag the object to it's new position.
To copy objects, select them and then click then Copy Button. Click the Paste Button  to enter Paste Mode and the position the cross hair and left click to paste copies of the objects. To finish pasting, click the Paste Button again, or double right click the background to exit the current mode, or hit the escape key.

Nudging Objects

To nudge selected objects, hold down the Shift key while pressing one of the cursor keys.

Changing The Name (Or IP Address) Of An Object

To change the name of an object or change it's  IP address, Double Left Click on current name or IP address and type in the new details. Press Enter to complete.
You may also change these details by right clicking the object and selecting "Properties".
To insert a Carriage Return in an Object or IP Label use Shift + Enter.

Adding Text To A Diagram

Click the Text Mode Button  and observe that the mouse pointer changes to a cross hair 1.
Click the diagram to position the text entry box and then enter your text.
To finish entering text, click the Text Mode button again or press the Escape key.

Tip: Double right click the background to toggle the last used mode (Paste, Text, or Link) off and on.


Editing Text

Double click text to start editing it. The Text Mode button will indicate you are in text mode. Press ESC to finish editing the text, or click the text mode button on the toolbar.
To delete a Text Box, double click it and then hit backspace. Press ESC or click the text mode button to exit text mode.

Formatting Text

Format Text 

To Format Text, right click text in your diagram and select Format Text. The Format Text window is now displayed. From here you can set the Font, Font Size, Colours, Transparency, Effects and also set the angle of rotation in degrees.
You can also select Format > Text Styles from the main ring menu to make adjustments to Text Styles.

Text Style: Commonly used text formats can be created and named using these settings. Right click text in your diagram and choose Set Text Style to select from defined text styles. Text Styles can be saved to and loaded from file.

Make This The Default Text Format: Sets the default text format to the settings shown. The default text format is used when adding text to a new diagram. 

Moving Text

To move text, hold the SHIFT key down and drag the text.
To Rotate Text, hold the SHIFT key down and drag one of the corners of the text.

Adding Float Text To Objects

Information can be displayed when the pointer is held over an object for a few seconds.
To Add or Edit Float Text, right click the object and select Edit Float Text.
Enter text into the Float Text entry box and hit escape when complete.


Adding Horizontal And Vertical Backbones

Add horizontal and vertical backbones to your diagram by selecting them from the Backbones object library.
Position the cross hair roughly where you want the centre of the backbone to be and click the left mouse button.

Resizing And Moving Backbones

To resize a backbone, position the mouse pointer over either end then hold the left mouse button down to drag the backbone larger or smaller.
To move a backbone, hold the shift key down whilst dragging the backbone to a new position.

Customizing Backbone Styles

Backbones are Shapes and they can be customised by right clicking and select Format Shape.

Linking An Object To A Backbone

To link an object to a backbone, click on the link mode button  and then join the backbone to the object. 


Grouping and Locking

Objects may be grouped together and then locked in position relative to each other to form composite objects.

The first object you select will become the "parent" object and further objects selected will be "child" objects.
Select the parent object, followed by the child objects and then select Format > Group from the ring menu to group the objects together. At this point, you may still move the objects relative to each other. Copying and pasting the parent object will copy and paste all of the child objects as well.
To lock the child objects position relative to the parent object, right click the child object and select "Lock" from the menu. Now when you move the child object, the parent and all of its child objects are moved together. If you resize the parent object all locked child objects are also proportionally resized and moved.
Right-clicking a parent object and selecting Lock > Group Lock or Group Unlock locks or unlocks all child objects and labels associated with the object.
To ungroup objects, select each of the members of the group and then click Format > Ungroup on the ring menu.

Example using the two shapes created in the Custom Shapes section to form a composite Title Box object:

Position the two shapes to form a title box.
Select the parent box and then the title bar box (CTRL-left click), then Format and Group from the ring menu.
Right click the title bar box and select "Lock" to lock it's position relative to the main box.

Locking objects which are not a member of a group is used to lock the position of the object on the page. This is useful for things like template borders and title blocks which don't normally need to be moved. Objects locked to the page have the following properties:

  • They cannot be moved with drag and drop.
  • They cannot be selected with CTRL-A or by dragging a band around them.

Anchoring and Locking

Anchoring fixes the position of objects and text relative to one of the four corners of the page. This is useful when resizing the page to ensure a title block and border remain fixed to the edge.
Select objects and text to be anchored and then Format > Anchor from the menu.
Locking objects and text prevents them from being dragged to a new position (relative to their parent) and also prevents them from being selected and unselected using CTRL-A. It is useful if the title block and border are locked. You can then select your diagram using CTRL-A and reposition it using drag and drop or nudge, without adjusting the position of the title block and border.
Select objects (link nodes) and text to be locked and then Format > Lock or right click objects or text and select Lock.


Rotating Objects and Text

Rotate objects and text using any of the following methods:

  1. Specify a rotate angle in the Object Properties Form and in the Format Text Form.
  2. Drag any of the four corners of the text or object with the mouse. Hold down the SHIFT key when dragging. The mouse pointer indicates when you are correctly positioned for this as shown in the example here.
  3. CTRL +/- rotates the currently selected text or object in 1 degree steps.

Hiding IP Addresses

To Reveal or Hide IP addresses, toggle the IP Address Button .  

User-Defined Apps

A list of user-defined Apps is presented for execution when you right click an object. The first 6 of the Apps are also available using the function buttons on the main toolbar: . Variables such as IP address or hostname of the object can be included in the App definition.
A set of user-defined Apps is called a toolset. Up to 10 different toolsets can be configured for use with different types of equipment and then assigned to the objects in your diagram.

Configuring User-Defined Apps

Select the User-Defined Apps tab in the Setup form.

Command Line: This is the command which is executed when the app is selected.
Display Title: This what is displayed in the menus.
Hide: If true will minimise the Network Notepad window when the app is run.
Multiple: If true then the tool is run against all selected objects. If false then the tool just runs for the most recently clicked object.

The following Network Notepad variables may be included in the Command Line and Display Title definitions:
$IPADDRESS - is substituted for the most recently clicked object's IP address. $IPADDRESS is truncated at a "/" character.
$ADDRESS - is substituted for the most recently clicked object's IP address (and is not truncated like $IPADDRESS is).
$HOSTNAME - is substituted with the most recently clicked object's hostname.
$EXPLORE - invokes an instance of internet explorer.
E.g. $explore $ipaddress...... to browse the object by ipaddress.
$BROWSE - invokes the default browser/application.
E.g. $browse c:\docs\$hostname.doc..... will try and open for example "router1.doc" in whatever application is configured to handle .doc files.
- Copies the resolved definition to the windows clipboard.
$FILENAME - is substituted for the current diagram's filename (.ndg).
$VAR1, $VAR2 - User variables. These are set in the Object Properties Form on the Misc Tab and can contain any user-defined data. Ellipsis buttons are provided to browse for filenames.
E.g. $browse $VAR1..... Could be used to open a specific file associated with the object.
$FieldN -  Passes field number N from the object table. e.g. the CDP add-on tool function definition includes $field2 to pass the object number which it then uses to construct the data put on to the clipboard.
$HWND - Passes the Network Notepad Windows Handle.
$ADDRLIST - Functionally the same as $ADDRESS, but intended to pass a list of IP addresses separated by ";" characters.
$APPDIR - System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.
&& - Enables multiple functions to be executed in one definition. See the Wake-On-Lan plugin example below.




  • Use SSH to connect to a device using Putty:

    "C:\Program Files\putty\putty.exe" -ssh $IPADDRESS
  • Use Putty in telnet mode to connect to a device:

    "C:\Program Files\putty\putty.exe" -telnet $IPADDRESS
  • Remote control a device using VNC:

    "C:\Program Files\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe" $IPADDRESS
  • Remote Desktop:

    C:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe /v:$IPADDRESS
  • NNPing Plugin:

    NNPing $ipaddress 1000 3 up.wav 3 down.wav

  • Wake-On-Lan Plugin:

    NNPing $ipaddress 1000 3 up.wav 3 down.wav on&&nnwol.exe $VAR1

    Where && is used to separate and execute multiple functions.
    User variable $VAR1 is configured in the Object Properties form on the Misc Tab and is set to provide
    <broadcast IP address> <port> <mac-address>
    e.g. 9 21-3a-55-37-6e-76

    The nnping "on" parameter overrides the usual toggle-on, toggle-off state when calling nnping.

Tip: Enclose file pathnames containing spaces with quotation marks as shown in the first three examples above. If you don't do this then Windows cannot distinguish the difference between c:\program files and c:\program.exe for example.  

Toolset: Network Notepad Professional Edition allows you to define up to 10 toolsets. You can choose a toolset to use with an object in the object's properties form.

Naming Toolsets:
Toolsets can be named by entering text in the Toolset dropdown list in place of the default numbers 1-10.

Edit Button : Toolset definitions are stored in a local tooldefs.txt file. This button enables you to edit the file directly, making it easy to copy, paste and share toolsets. Here is an excerpt from a tooldefs.txt file:

Toolset(0)=1. Routers

Command(0,1)=$APPDIRputty.exe -telnet $ipaddress
Display(0,1)=telnet $IPADDRESS

Command(0,2)=Copy2Clipboard $IPADDRESS

Command(0,3)=$explore http://$IPADDRESS

Command(0,4)=ping -t $IPADDRESS

Toolset(1)=2. Synology

Command(1,1)=$browse http://$ipaddress:5000


When editing the tooldefs.txt file keep the numbers in brackets in order. That is the is (toolset number) in the case of the Toolset statement and (toolset number, tool number) in the case of the Command, Display,Automin and Multiple statements.
When editing the tooldefs.txt file, be sure to click the Refresh button before clicking OK in the setup form.

Refresh Button Refresh: The refresh button is used to re-read the tooldefs.txt file after editing it outside of Network Notepad. The tooldefs.txt file is written to when you click the OK button.

Page Setup

Use the Page Setup form to select the paper size and orientation used when printing the current page. These are set individually for each page in the document.


To print a diagram use the print button on the toolbar.
Diagrams are sized to fit the printed page, so if you have large canvas dimensions then objects will appear small when printed. Drag the canvas smaller or reduce the Canvas width and height in the Diagram Properties form to make the objects to appear larger when printed.

Print Preview

The print preview menu option gives you an idea how your document will look when it is printed.

Searching Diagrams

To search a diagram, press CTRL-F to display the find dialog. Enter the text to find in the text box.
Use F3 to Find Next.
Tick the Search All Pages box to search for the text in all pages of your document.
Tick the Search All Open Documents box to search for the text in all open documents.

Tip: Network Notepad Files are stored as plain text. Use Windows "Search for Files" to scan through all your diagrams and find what you are looking for.

Customizing Link Styles

Select Format > Link Styles on the ring menu or right-click a link and select Format Link style.

Link styles 


Link Style:
Select an existing link style to modify.
New Link Type:
Click this button to create a new link style. You will be prompted to enter a name.
Rename the current selected link style.
Delete the selected link style.
The Up and Down Arrow buttons enable you to change the order in which Link Styles are presented.

Style Settings

Format: Choose between Line, Lightning, Lightning2, Legacy Arrows, Curve and Curve2 Styles. For the Lightning style to be effective set the width to 14 or more.
Colour: Select Colour of the link. The slider sets the transparency.
Style: Select from Opaque and various dashed line styles.
Width: Width of Link.
Angle: Selects the angle for arrow heads.
Length: Selects the size of arrow heads.
Option: For arrow link styles choose between  solid and open arrow heads.
Startcap, Endcap: Selects from a range of built-in startcap/ endcap and custom startcap/ endcap styles. The appearance of the former is dependent on the width of the link and hence is fairly limited. Selecting Custom startcap/ endcap gives much more control over the appearance. The graphic in the top right of the form shows how the X,Y,W and H custom cap parameters control the dimensions and position of the cap. You must set the Format: to Line when working with startcaps/ endcaps.
Selects style for dashed lines.
Align: Link styles which have Align set causes adjacent points in a link a automatically re-aligned horizontally and vertically. The option can also be switched on or off by right-clicking a link.

Legacy Arrow Style: It is recommended to use custom end caps for drawing arrows rather than legacy arrow style. Legacy arrow style has one nice feature though; If the link connection point is centred the arrow head is automatically drawn where it crosses the boundary of the object as shown in the example below.
The Legacy Arrow style is selected by choosing "------->","<-------" or "<------->" in the Format dropdown list.

Secondary Style: Enables the link to be drawn using more than one link style. Click the Format button to work on the secondary style.

The Save, Load and Load Default options may be used to load and save a set of link styles. Link styles are saved with diagrams.  


Curve Link Style

Curved link styles use one or two link nodes to act as control points for the curve. From the ring menu select "Options" and "Show Link nodes" to display link nodes while you are drawing curves.
Click the first object, click the background to place the first control point, click the background again to create a second control point and then click the second object to complete the link. 

Curve2 Link Style

Curve2 Link Style allows you to draw curved Links with any number of control points.
From the ring menu select "Options" and "Show Link nodes" to display link nodes while you are drawing curves.




Object Properties Form

Tool Set: Select which of the 10 sets of user-defined functions are to be used with this object. Toolsets can be renamed in the setup form. The ellipsis button provides a shortcut.

Links Table Button: See below.


Name: The name of the object.
Address: Specifies the IP address of the object. This can be passed to user-defined functions using the $IPADDRESS or $ADDRESS variables.
Anything entered after a "/" character is not passed when using $IPADDRESS but is passed when using $ADDRESS.
("/" is commonly used to document the subnet mask length e.g. /24)
The dropdown lists next to the labels allow you to change the position of the labels relative to the object. Choose from NSEW (as in the positions on a compass), C for centred and " " for hidden.
* is shown if the label has been dragged and dropped away from the standard positions.
You can also toggle the displaying of all address information in your diagram using the "Display IP Addresses" button on the main toolbar.  


Object Type: Name of the object as shown in the Object Library.
X/Y Scale: Used to enlarge or reduce the size of the Bitmap.
Layer: Sets the order which the object is drawn. The backdrop and grid lines are drawn first followed by objects, labels and links at layer 5 up to layer 0. The "Send to Back" and "Bring to Front" buttons on the main toolbar moves the selected items through the different layers.
Background: Setting an object to background allows links to be drawn on top of an object rather than connecting to it.
Quick RotateFlip: Allows a number of preset rotations and translations of the object.
Rotate: Specify the objects angle of rotation in degrees, or select from the list of rotations at 45 degree intervals. You can also use the mouse to drag and rotate.
Float Text: Text which appears when the mouse pointer hovers over an object.

Misc Tab

Hyperlink: See Linking Diagrams section below.
User Variables:
User-defined variables $VAR1 and $VAR2 can pass any text you like to user-defined functions. Ellipsis buttons give the option to browse for filenames.


Linking Diagrams

Diagrams may be linked together such that one or more special objects in a diagram provide a link to other pages or files. To follow a link to another diagram, right click the object and select "Goto next diagram" or double click the object. To configure an object to link to another page or file use the following settings on the Misc Tab in the Object Properties form:
: This tick box enables the "Goto next diagram" option when this object is right clicked.
Location: Filename of next diagram (include .ndg extension). Leave this blank for the current diagram.
Page: Optional page to open in the next diagram.
Seek: Optional text to seek and centre-on when the next diagram is loaded.
Use bookmark: Completes the Location, Seek and Page fields with the last bookmarked location (Edit > bookmark).



Drag And Drop Method For Linking Diagrams

Another way to create a link to a diagram is to drag and drop the .ndg file you want to link to on to the canvas of the current diagram. This adds an object which provides the link as discussed above.

The Links Table

The links table shows a table of all the connections to an object.
Clicking any column heading sorts the table by that particular column.
An IP Address, Hostname and Comment may be entered for each end of each link.
The  columns are drop-down boxes from which you choose the display position relative the object for the IP Address or Hostname.
The "Add to table"/ "Remove from table" buttons are used to transfer or remove the object's IP address and Hostname to/from the table. To enable this button, you must highlight one of the rows by clicking column 0.

Changing Link Styles

To change a link's style in a diagram right click the link and choose "Set link style". You may also change a link style from the Links table by clicking a cell in the Link Type column and choose the new link style from the drop down list.


Object Properties Toolbar

 Object Properties Toolbar

The Object Properties Toolbar is optional. It provides quick access to some of the properties for the most recently clicked object.
Enable the toolbar by selecting Options > Object Properties Toolbar from the main ring menu.
The controls displayed on the toolbar are covered in the Object Properties Form section above.


Click the Object Library button on the main toolbart Select different libraries from the Drop down list or use File > Open to browse for object libraries.

Searching Object Libraries

The search box on the toolbar may be used to search all available libraries for objects.
You can save objects found as a new Library using the save button on the toolbar.

Adding Objects To An Object Library

Drag a .ico, .bmp, .wmf, .gif, .png or .jpg  file on to a blank part of the Object library form.

Right clicking an object allows you to change an objects default name, filename and X/Y scale.

Use "File","Save Object Library" to save the updated Object Library file.

Deleting Objects From The Object Library Form

To delete an object from the current Object Library, select the object followed by "Edit" and "Cut Image from Object Library".

Auto-Hiding The Object Library Form

To auto-hide the Object Library Form whenever an object is selected click File > Auto-hide.


Creating New Object Library Files

On the ring menu select File>New to create a new, blank Object Library file. Paste new object images as explained previously and then use File > Save As to save the new Object Library.

Sharing Object Library Files

A workgroup Object Library (Folder) may be specified in the main setup form. Network Notepad will use this library when the shared drive is available. Otherwise it will use the default local copy.
To set this up initially, copy contents of the local objects folder to the shared folder.


Shapes are simple graphics which can be customised. There are some shapes preconfigured in the "Shapes" and "Backbones" Object Libraries.
Select Format > Shape from the main ring menu or right click a shape in a diagram or the Shapes Object Library.

Format Shape

Template Shape: Is the name of an existing shape which you can then customize.
Shape Parameters: Are the settings which control how the shape is drawn
Format: Choose from a list of basic shapes.
Colours: Choose the background colour of the shape. Select a second colour if gradient fill is to be used. The slider sets the transparency.
Gradient Fill: Tick the enable box to enable gradient fill. X1,Y1,X2,Y2 sets the start and end coordinates of the gradient fill.
Width and Height: Sets the default width and height of the shape. The graphic can be resized later using the X/Y scale in the object properties form.
Variant: Provides a list of variants for the basic shape.
Arc Size: For rectangular shapes, this sets the corner radius.
Border: Set the width >0 for a border to be displayed. The rest of the parameters here set the colour and dash style for the border.
Output, Shape Name: The name of the customized shape to save.
It is important to try and keep customized shape names unique. For example, if you created a new shape called "circle" and there is already a different shape in your diagram called "circle" you will not get the desired result when the new shape is added to your diagram (You cannot over-write an existing shape with another shape by giving it the same name but you can modify the existing shape). The ellipsis button may be used to generate a new random shape name.
Save to Library:
When defining a new shape you should tick this box to save the new shape to the Shapes object library.
Save to Diagram: If you selected format shape by right clicking a shape in a diagram, this option chooses whether that shape is replaced with the new shape. Update all: further selects whether or not to replace all shapes of the type originally clicked with the new shape.



Example Shapes


Rectangle, Width=200, Height=100, background set to transparent by setting the colour slider control to the left.
Arc size 20 sets radiused corners.
Rectangle, Width=200, Height=100, Variant is set so that only the top two corners are radiused.

See Grouping and Locking for information on combining these shapes in to a composite object.


"Script Objects" provide a way to construct vector-based graphics for use in Network Notepad from plain-text scripts. Some examples are available in the scripts library.

Script Syntax

A Script Object consists of the following statements:

1. The script statement sets the name, the overall size of the object, and the revision number.

  script "Test object" 50 20 0.1 script name width height revision
    name - name of the script object. If the name contains spaces then enclose it in "quotation marks". The name should be globally unique.
    width - width of the object.
    height - height of object.The width and height set the size of the outline box displayed when pasting the object.
In the examples I am using a default scale of 1pixel per mm.
    revision - Revision number of the script. When pasting scripts which already exist in the diagram, the script will only be replaced if the new script is a higher revision.

2. Align statements optionally enable objects to be automatically aligned when one object is pasted or dragged and dropped on to another object.

  align + screw -11 6 454 6 -11 50.5 align + (or -) type points
     + or -. A "+" script can only align with a "-" script.
    type - For scripts to align the type must match between the two scripts.
    points - A list of X Y alignment points.

3. Path statements define the shapes, lines and text in the object.

  path name test path name name
name - name of graphics path.

  path startfigure path startfigure
Starts a new path rather than continuing the previous path reference.

  path addline 10 10 10 20 path addline x1 y1 x2 y2
Adds a line to the current path.

  path addlines 10 10 10 20 30 15 path addlines x1 y1 x2 y2... xn yn
Adds a series of lines to the current path.

  path addrectangle 10 20 30 40 path addrectangle x1 y1 width height
Adds a rectangle at the position specified with the width and height specified.

  path addarc 41 4 5 5 270 90 path addarc x y width height start-angle sweep-angle
Adds an arc to the current path.
x y width height - define a rectangle which forms the bounds of the arc.
start-angle - measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis.
sweep-angle - angle swept from start angle.

  path addstring 39 2 "McGoozon" arial 3 1
path addstring x y "text" font-name font-size font-style
x y - specify the top left corner position of the text.
"text" - text string to draw.
font-name - Name of font. Enclose in quotation marks if the font name contains spaces.
font size
font style - Numeric value, Regular=0, Bold=1, Italic=2, Bold Italic=3, Underline=4, Strikeout=8
Use a fill command rather than a draw command to render text. If you use a draw command the outline of the text is drawn.

  path closefigure path closefigure - Draws a line from the current position to the start point in the current path.

4. Pen and Brush statements define the pens and brushes used in the commands section below.

  pen black_pen0.5 &h000000& 255 0.5 pen name colour transparency width
Pens are used with draw commands to draw the outline of a a path.
name - name of the pen.
colour - Blue green and Red values in Hex.
transparency  - Number from 0-255 where 255 is solid colour.
width - width of line drawn with the pen.

  brush grey_brush &ha0a0a0& 255 brush name colour transparency
Brushes are used with fill commands to fill an area enclosed by a path.
name - name of the brush.
colour - Blue Green and Red values in Hex.
transparency - Number from 0-255 where 255 is solid colour.

5. Commands are used to draw paths using pens and fill paths using brushes. The options command enables optional drawing commands to be executed at runtime by right clicking an object and selecting "Options".

  fill test grey_brush 20 10 fill path brush x y [xscale yscale] [angle]
Fill an area enclosed by a path using the specified brush. Draw at position <x> <y> and apply an optional local scale transform and/or rotate transform.
path - name of path to fill.
brush - name of brush to use.
x y - position of drawing.
xscale yscale - scale transform. Negative values are used to flip the drawing about the x or y-axis. For an example of this see the left and right brackets in the 2960 switch which use the same path but flipped about the y-axis.
angle - optional rotation angle in degrees (introduced in version 1.3.11).

  draw "top box" black_pen0.5 20 10 draw path pen x y [xscale yscale] [angle]
Draw the outline of a path using the specified pen. Draw at position <x> <y> and apply an optional local scale transform and/or rotate transform.
path - name of path to draw.
pen - name of pen to use.
x y - position of drawing.
xscale yscale - scale transform. Negative values are used to flip the drawing about the x or y-axis.
angle - optional rotation angle in degrees (introduced in version 1.3.11).

  option "brackets" option name
The option command is followed by optional fill and draw statements which can be enabled or disabled at run-time by right-clicking the object and choosing "Options". E.g. See the brackets and screws options in the 2960 switch example.
name - provides the text which will be displayed in the options menu.

Format Script Object

Format Script Object provides an environment for creating and modifying Script Objects. Access it from the Format menu or right-click a Script Object in a diagram or the library window.

Format Script Object form

To paste a script in to the editor, switch to script view (Script button) and paste in to the main panel.

Colour Pickers for pens and brushes are available in the Tabular view by clicking the elipsis column (...) in the respective tables.

&hBbGgRr& specifies the Blue, Green and Red components of the colour in Hex.

Tspcy is the colour transparency value from 0 to 255, where 255 is solid colour.

The form is resizable and the panels can also be resized by dragging the horizontal and vertical bars which divide the panels.

Click the Refresh button to apply changes made in the script panels.




The Setup Form

To access the Setup Form select File > Setup from the main ring menu.

General Settings Tab

Language: Select the Language used for Network Notepad.
Edit Language: This button opens the selected language translation file for editing.
Refresh: This button refreshes translations from the language translation file.
Show index: To assist with language translations this temporarily prepends entries with section number and line number to show where each text entry is located in the language translation file.
Grid Line Spacing: Sets the spacing for grid lines when grid lines option is switched on ("Options","Grid Lines"). 
Default IP Address:
A partial or complete IP Address which will be applied to all new objects added to the diagram.
Maximum Open Documents:
Sets how many documents can be opened at once. Each open document presents its own tab bar at the bottom of the screen.
Reload Document Button:
Enables a Reload Document button on the toolbar. This is useful if you edit the diagram outside of Network Notepad and need to quickly reload the current file.
Default Diagram:
Sets the diagram loaded by default if no diagram is specified on the command line. Use the ellipses button to browse for a file or the "Use Current" button to make the current diagram the default diagram. The "None" button clears the default diagram.

User-Defined Apps Tab

For information on the User-Defined Apps, see User Defined Apps.

Updates Tab

Enable Automatic Updates: Tick to enable automatic updates (default).
Update Type:
Select from Automatic, Check and Download, and Check only.
Manual Proxy Settings:
Tick to enable automatic updates with manual proxy server settings.

 The Diagram Properties Form

The Diagram Properties Form

The Diagram Properties Form is accessed from the main ring menu File > Edit Diagram Properties.
The Diagram Name, Notes1 and Notes2 are text fields stored in the diagram.
Print Quality: Select from Draft, Fine and Superfine to set the pixel resolution used for the diagram.
Canvas Width and Canvas Height specify the size of the canvas in pixels.
Lock button: Locks the page width and height so that the page cannot be resized with the mouse.
Backdrop: Specify an image file for the Backdrop of the diagram.
Forground Colour and Background Colour: Sets the colours used for Object Name and IP Labels.
Link Text Colour: Selects the colour for text used to highlight objects which link to another diagram.
Float Text Foreground and Background Colours: Sets the colours used for Float Text.
Make These The Default: Sets the defaults for new diagrams.




When you start a new drawing or add a new page to an existing document, you are prompted to select from a list of templates. A diagram template is simply a minimal diagram which contains defaults for the new drawing. It sets the page width and height and orientation, default font, link link styles and it can contain some default drawing, for example a title block and border.

Creating Diagram Templates

To create new diagram template, set up a new single page document with the desired settings and default drawing as mentioned above and then save it to the templates folder using File > Save to Templates.




Adding A Backdrop Image

Drag and drop a bitmap file (.bmp, .png, .gif or .jpg) on to the page to use as a backdrop image for your diagram.
In the Diagram Properties form, you may also specify a filename for a backdrop bitmap, and you can select whether to stretch, centre or tile the image.

Export To Bitmap Graphics File

To export a diagram as a bitmap file, from the ring menu, select File and then Export To Bitmap Graphics File. Enter a suitable filename when prompted. The following bitmap file types can be selected from drop-down list: .bmp, .gif and .png.

Setting A Default Diagram

You may configure a default diagram to be displayed when Network Notepad is run. The default diagram is configured in the Setup Form.

Working with CSV files

Network Notepad can save to and load from .csv files which means you can use a spreadsheet to view and edit diagram files.
In the File > SaveAs and File > Open dialogs select .CSV file in the type dropdown list.