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Script Objects

"Script Objects" provide a way to construct vector-based graphics for use in Network Notepad from plain-text scripts. Some examples are available in the scripts library.

Script Syntax

A Script Object consists of the following statements and commands:

1. The Script Statement.
2. Path Statements.
3. Pens and Brushes.
4. Commands.
5. Align Statements.


1. The Script Statement

  script The script statement sets the name, the overall size of the object, and the revision number.
    script name width height revision
    name - name of the script object. If the name contains spaces then enclose it in "quotation marks". The name should be globally unique.
    width - width of the object.
    height - height of object.The width and height set the size of the outline box displayed when pasting the object.
In the examples I am using a default scale of 1pixel per mm.
    revision - Revision number of the script. When pasting scripts which already exist in the diagram, the script will only be replaced if the new script is a higher revision.
script "Test object" 50 20 0.1

2. Path statements

  path Path statements define the shapes, lines and text in the object.
    path name name

name - name of graphics path.
    path startfigure

Starts a new path rather than continuing the current path.
    path addline x1 y1 x2 y2

Adds a line to the current path.
    path addlines x1 y1 x2 y2... xn yn

Adds a series of lines to the current path.
    path addrectangle x1 y1 width height

Adds a rectangle at the position specified with the width and height specified.
    path addarc x y width height start-angle sweep-angle

Adds an arc to the current path.

x y width height - define a rectangle which forms the bounds of the arc.
start-angle - measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis.
sweep-angle - angle swept from start angle.
    path addstring x y "text" font-name font-size font-style

Adds a text string to the current path.

x y - specify the top left corner position of the text.
"text" - text string to draw.
font-name - Name of font. Enclose in quotation marks if the font name contains spaces.
font size - Font size.
font style - Numeric value, Regular=0, Bold=1, Italic=2, Underline=4, Strikeout=8
Add font style values to combine them e.g. Bold+Italic+Underline =7
Use a fill command rather than a draw command to render text. If you use a draw command the outline of the text is drawn.
    path closefigure
Closes a path by extending it to the start point in the path.

Example path statements:

path name module
path addrectangle 0 0 77 40
path name vent
path addarc 0 0 6 6 90 180
path addarc 38 0 6 6 270 180
path name "SFP Slot"
path addrectangle 0 0 14 9
path name label
path addstring 0 0 "SFP" arial 2.25 1
path name screw
path addarc 0 0 8 8 0 360
path name screwhead
path startfigure
path addlines 3 2 2 3 3 4 2 5 3 6 4 5 5 6 6 5 5 4 6 3 5 2 4 3
path closefigure

3. Pens and Brushes

  pen Pen statements set the colour and thickness of a line when used with the draw command below.
    pen name colour transparency width

name - name of the pen.
colour - Blue green and Red values in Hex.
transparency  - Number from 0-255 where 255 is solid colour.
width - width of line drawn with the pen.

pen black_pen0.5 &h000000& 255 0.5
draw outline black_pen0.5
  brush Brush statements set the colour used with the fill command below.
    brush name colour transparency

Brushes are used with fill commands to fill an area enclosed by a path.
name - name of the brush.
colour - Blue Green and Red values in Hex.
transparency - Number from 0-255 where 255 is solid colour.

brush grey_brush &ha0a0a0& 255
fill body grey_brush
  gradientbrush A gradientbrush is used to fill an area enclosed by a path using a brush which transitions from one colour to another.
    gradientbrush name colour1 transparency1 colour2 transparency2 width height angle

name - name of the gradientbrush.
colour1 - starting colour in hex.
transparency1 - Number from 0-255 where 255 is solid colour.
colour2 - Ending colour in hex.
transparency2 - Number from 0-255 where 255 is solid colour.
width, height - define the size of the brush.
angle - direction of gradient.

gradientbrush cloudbrush &hE4E4E4& 255 &h646464& 255 1 62 90
fill cloudpath cloudbrush

4. Commands

  draw Draw the outline of a path using the specified pen. Draw at position x y and apply an optional local scale transform and/or rotate transform.
    draw path pen x y [xscale yscale] [angle]

path - name of path to draw.
pen - name of pen to use.
x y - position of drawing.
xscale yscale - optional scale transform. Negative values are used to flip the drawing about the x or y-axis. If both values are 1 the default scale is used.
angle - optional rotation angle in degrees (introduced in version 1.3.11).

draw "top box" black_pen0.5 20 10
  fill Fill an area enclosed by a path using the specified brush. Draw at position x y and apply an optional local scale transform and/or rotate transform.
    fill path brush x y [xscale yscale] [angle]

path - name of path to fill.
brush - name of brush to use.
x y - position of drawing.
xscale yscale - optional scale transform. Negative values are used to flip the drawing about the x or y-axis. For an example of this see the left and right brackets in the 2960 switch which use the same path but flipped about the y-axis. If both values are 1 the default scale is used.
angle - optional rotation angle in degrees (introduced in version 1.3.11).

fill test "grey brush" 20 10
  paint Enables a Script Object to include other Script Objects in its drawing.
    paint script x y [xscale yscale]

script - The name of the script object to draw. It must be present in the current diagram's table of Script Objects.
x y - The coordinates of the Script Object.
xscale yscale - Optionally draw the Object Script using non-default scale values.
(The paint command was introduced in version 1.3.36)

paint "RJ45 Socket" 50 20
  texturefill Fills a path using another script as the brush.
    texturefill path script [x y] [xscale] [yscale] [angle]

path - name of path to fill.
script - name of script to use as a brush.
x y - position of drawing.
xscale yscale - optional scale transform.
angle - optional rotation transform.

texturefill ventarea ventscript9
  option The option command is followed by fill, draw and paint statements which can be enabled or disabled at run-time by right-clicking the object and choosing "Options". E.g. See the brackets and screws options in the 2960 switch example.
    option name [optional mask]

- provides the text which will be displayed in the options menu.
- This option controls how the entries in the options menu work. Without a mask or with a mask value 0 you can switch any option on or off. With a mask the options covered by the mask are mutually exclusive. You can select one option only from the masked options and at least one of those masked options must be selected.
In the example below the first 3 options are grouped using the mask value 7 and allow you to choose a background colour. The next two options are grouped using mask value 24 and allow you to choose a border colour.
The mask values are derived from the order the options are read in and assigned a bit value. The first 3 options correspond to bits 0-2 which gives a binary value 111 and mask value 7. Bits 3-4 give a binary value 11000 and mask value 24.
The option end statement enables drawing to continue after the options.

option end

"option end" is a special case. It is not displayed in the options menu and merely permits normal drawing to continue after options.

script "cloud7 with options" 100 70 1.6
pen red_pen &h0000ff& 255 1
pen blue_pen &hff0000& 255 1
brush grey_brush &hD4D4D4& 255
brush red_brush &h9595FF& 255
brush yellow_brush &h16E3E9& 255
brush black_brush &h000000& 255
path name cloud
path addarc 0 22 40 40 278 -188
path addarc 60 22 40 40 90 -160
path addarc 52 8 35 35 -10 -102
path addarc 23 1 40 40 330 -153
path name text
path addstring 27 32 "The Cloud" arial 7 1
option "background grey" 7
fill cloud grey_brush
option "background red" 7
fill cloud red_brush
option "background yellow" 7
fill cloud yellow_brush
option "border red" 24
draw cloud red_pen
option "border blue" 24
draw cloud blue_pen
option end
fill text black_brush
  antialias Switches antialiasing off or on. The default setting is on.
    antialias off | on

off - switch off antialiasing.
on - switch on antialiasing.

5. Align Statements

  align Align statements optionally enable objects to be automatically aligned when one object is pasted or dragged and dropped on to another object.
    align +|- type points

A "+" script can only align with a "-" script.
- For scripts to align the type must match between the two scripts.
- A list of X Y alignment points.

align + screw -11 6 454 6 -11 50.5

Format Script Object

Format Script Object provides an environment for creating and modifying Script Objects. Access it from the Format menu or right-click a Script Object in a diagram or the library window.

Format Script Object

To paste a script in to the editor, switch to script view (Script button) and paste in to the main panel.

Colour Pickers for pens and brushes are available in the Tabular view by clicking the elipsis column (...) in the respective tables.

&hBbGgRr& specifies the Blue, Green and Red components of the colour in Hex.

Tspcy is the colour transparency value from 0 to 255, where 255 is solid colour.

The form is resizable and the panels can also be resized by dragging the horizontal and vertical bars which divide the panels.

Click the Refresh button to apply changes made in the script panels.


Merging Script Objects

Format > Merge Script Objects enables mulitple Script Objects to be merged in to a single Script Object. Text can also be merged.
In the following example an small ethernet hub is built up from components in the online Script Objects Library and then merged:

1. Add the parent object which will act as a container for the other components.
I have used Format Script Object to create a box and given the script a new unique name (this is important).

Hub Box script "Netgear FE104" 158 25 0.5
brush blue_brush &h8B4001& 255
path name Box
path addrectangle 0 0 158 25
fill "Box" blue_brush

2. Copy and paste script components from the online library on to the parent object.
I have added four RJ45 sockets and then using the Text tool added a brand label.


3. Put the parent box and child components in to a group.
Select the parent Box first followed by the 4 sockets and the label, then select Format > Group on the ring menu.
The objects are now loosely bound together.

Hub Components

4. Select the group by clicking the parent box and then select Format > Merge Script Objects.
The parent box and the 5 child objects are now merged into a single Script Object.

Merged Hub script "Netgear FE104 Hub" 158 25 0.6
brush blue_brush &h8B4001& 255
brush black_brush &h000000& 255
brush silver_brush &hd0d8dc& 255
brush brush1 &hFFFFFF& 255
path name Box
path addrectangle 0 0 158 25
path name rj45down
path addlines 2 7 2 9 3.5 9 3.5 10 9 10 9 9 10.5 9 10.5 7 12.5 7 12.5 0 0 0 0 7
path name single_port
path addrectangle 0 0 15 12
path name path1
path addstring 0 0 NETGEAR arial 3 1
fill "Box" blue_brush
fill single_port silver_brush 111.5 8
fill rj45down black_brush 112.5 19 1 -1
fill single_port silver_brush 66.5 8
fill rj45down black_brush 67.5 19 1 -1
fill single_port silver_brush 81.5 8
fill rj45down black_brush 82.5 19 1 -1
fill single_port silver_brush 96.5 8
fill rj45down black_brush 97.5 19 1 -1
fill path1 brush1 5.25 2.25

5. To save the new object to the current local library, right-click the object and select Format Script Object. Click the "Save to Library" checkbox and click OK.
Please email me a copy of your new scripts (or any new components) for inclusion in the online library!

There are a number of restrictions with the Merge Script Objects feature:

  • The component objects must not be rotated.

  • The component objects must use their default x-scale and y-scale settings.

  • Name and Address labels are excluded from a merge.


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